plan 3: a sequel

May 19, 2010 § 2 Comments

so i have mentioned earlier about plan 3 which is aptly called My White Dream.

it is about a restaurant/cafe. we always wanted to open up a place to eat, we want to serve warm home dishes, of malays and japanese foods. Last night while having our simple dinner, i was thinking about my white dream. I want the place has its soul of home. not a restaurant that people come, eat and leave. With full stomach maybe but no personal touch and warm feeling.

I want our place painted white, cosy look, and home style decorations, not too much yet just nice, and some family photos on the wall, comfy sofa at a corner, tv, and a safe corner for kids wiggling around while them parents savour our simple home dishes (if they prefer to enjoy without kids to disturb). I want the place in white theme, some flower in cute little pots, wooden dining table, some sets of four and maybe one or two nos. set of six. And a stretch of wooden bar with some wooden bar stool for singles. They sit and eat like at home.

Now about foods. There will be normal food-spread like we used to enjoy at home, inherited from our upper generations. I want to share our normal home cooked dishes, like Ikan Goreng Sambal, Ayam Goreng Kunyit, Masak Lemak Sayur Campur, Ikan Bilis Goreng with Tempe, Sambal Sardine, Ketam Masak Lemak Pedas (my arwah abah’s fav), Kerang Goreng Berempah (my secret recipe, haha), Telur Dadar Sempoii, Fresh Ulam-Ulaman, Boiled Veges, Budu (a must-have), Sambal Belacan and etc etc..and The Mister wants to introduce japanese home cooked meals. The real one he said, it’s not Sushi or such.

And and and..i want to name it Rumah Kami…

i wish i’d live my dream…(mmg lah saya suka berangan)

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